Sunday, December 9, 2007

Lego and Sweaters by Oma

Owen and Zach got the lego out this week and have been having so much fun with it. The only problem is that they don't know how to make very many things. They find a picture in their lego book, and bring it to Mom to make it for them. I've had lots of fun with it!

I took a picture of the boys with their lego cars this afternoon. They were wearing sweaters Oma had made. Sorry, I forgot to take it with me so I could post it today.

I did take this picture of Noah along though! He's really starting to look less and less like a newborn these days. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

He's Getting Chubby!

Just a quick update, mostly because I told Grandma I'd let her know the status on her 'Golden Grandchild'. I had Noah at the doctor's yesterday, and he is 11 lbs, 14 oz. I figured he was getting up there since he's got quite chubby legs. He's heavier than the other two were at this age.

Noah also had his two month needle yesterday. He didn't mind the first one, but he really let the nurse know that he didn't appreciate the second needle. It didn't last long, and he was soon happy.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Just a quick post to show everyone Noah's smile. He is now 7 1/2 weeks old, and is getting pretty good at smiling.

If anyone feels the need to see his smile in real life, please don't hesitate to drop by!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Here's a recent family picture from Noah's baptism. We had a great day with almost all of the family there. We stayed after church for supper (thanks to everyone who brought food to share!).

I'm not at home right now (which is good since this would take days if I was trying to do this with dial-up!). I hope to add some more pics in the next couple days.

Noah is doing great - he slept from 10:30 PM until about 6 AM last night. Maybe tonight too??

Owen is quite proud to be 4 years old now, and Zach is having fun playing with all of Owen's new toys.

Noah has just ordered lunch so I have to go.


First Post!

I've decided to enter the blog-world! Enjoy! I'll be adding some posts and pictures later.
